Analytical equipment
We have a variety of analytical equipment available at the centre.
We have a variety of analytical equipment available at the centre. Some of the instruments are described below.
Inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometer (ICP-MS, Agilent 7700x)
The ICP-7700x is used for the detection/quantification of trace metals in aqueous samples. The sensitivity of the 7700x is typically in the region of parts per billion (ppb) and parts per trillion (ppt) for some metals. For sample preparation, the analytical lab is equipped with an Ethos Up microwave used for sample digestions, e.g. biomass and vegetable oils.
Gas chromatography – mass spectrometer (GC-MS, Agilent 7890B with 5977 MSD)
The 7890B is equipped with two autosamplers; a 5250 pyrolysis (CDS Analytical) and a liquid autosampler. The 5250 has the ability to perform both thermal desorption and pyrolysis, useful for samples including natural and synthetic polymers, paints, laminates, fuels, packaging materials, rubber, surfactants, textile materials, inks, and adhesive tapes.
Gas chromatography – flame ionisation detector (GC-FID, Agilent 7820A with 7697A)
The headspace autosampler heats the sample, allowing the volatile components of the sample to diffuse to the gas phase, forming the headspace. The autosampler then samples this headspace. Headspace gas chromatography is suitable for low boiling point volatile components that easily partition into the gas phase from the solid or liquid sample. Examples of some applications of headspace gas chromatography is the analysis of flavour compounds in the food and drink industry as well as fragrances in the perfumes and cosmetics sector.
UPLC-QTOF (Agilent 1290 Infinity with UV and 6530 QTOF detector)
The 1290 Infinity is equipped with a binary pump system capable of operating pressures up to 1200 bar. Generally, ultra-pressure liquid chromatography allows better resolution and sensitivity, in addition to shorter run times. The 1290 has a UV detector in addition to a 6530 quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometer. The mass spectrometer has both atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI) and electrospray ionisation (ESI) ionisation sources available, enabling a greater degree of flexibility when tailoring mass spec configuration to compounds of interest.
We have a variety of analytical equipment available at the centre.
The Benchtop NMR Analyser is based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and allows for fast, accurate, reproducible and solvent-free measurement of oil, fat and moisture in oil seeds, seed cake and foodstuffs.
Gas chromatography (GC) is a flexible technique that allows separation and quantification of chemical substances found within a complex mixture.
Gas chromatography (GC) is a flexible technique that allows separation and quantification of chemical substances found within a complex mixture.
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is a flexible technique that allows separation and quantification of chemical substances found within a complex mixture.
Our microbiology laboratory offers a range of equipment allowing users to safely handle, store and work with a variety of aerobic and anaerobic microbes, at ACDP hazard category II level.
The Metrohm Rancimat helps us determine the oxidation stability of natural fats and oils. The instrument works on the principle of passing air through a test sample at an elevated temperature, causing accelerated aging of the sample.
We use plant growth trials to assess the performance of new products and processes, such as seed treatments and new bio-based fertilisers, or newly generated plant growth media incorporating bio-based materials or by-products.