Survey - building the case for environmental sciences to support the UK bioeconomy
BioVale are involved in a NERC-commissioned project to build the economic case for environmental sciences as integral for a prosperous and sustainable bioeconomy in the UK (and vice versa). In addition to the BDC and BioVale - which are located at the University of York - project partners also include Novascape, CEBR and Green Rose Chemistry.
We invite stakeholders from sectors that intersect the natural environment to complete this survey.
The survey is in two parts - an initial high level questionnaire that will take 5 minutes, and a further in depth survey. We are grateful for any answers you could provide and anticipate that it shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes of your time in total.
Your views and insights will help us understand how challenges faced by businesses working in the bioeconomy could be addressed by research and innovation programmes, whilst also recognising the importance of the environment in underpinning these actions. These views will be communicated to NERC as part of a final report with recommendations to support future funding activities.
Deadline for completion of the survey is 26th May 2023
This project is for internal NERC use only to help inform their future work plans.
Featured image by Anastasia Nelen on Unsplash